Mahmoud Assaad
Dubai Electricity and Water Authority
If someone asks me about the best executive coach, I will not hesitate to recommend Nicole Smart.
As a professional, Nicole is excellent. As a human, she is true. As a leader, she is real. As a friend, Nicole is rare.
Nicole has an innate talent as a global inspirational leader in the executive coaching arena. She encourages others with her thoughtful questions to unleash their potentials and discover their strengths to face their challenges and threats with wisdom and bravery.
Regardless of the differences between team members coming from different countries, in almost two and half months, Nicole has been able to unite the hearts and heads towards one vision "Become Better". Nicole succeeded impressively in transforming coachees into executive coaches ready to coach others professionally.
The beauty about Nicole is that she coaches others elegantly and diligently in a very agile manner. Nicole's kindness and greatness are indescribable. Nicole was born to coach and lead. Nicole taught me how to see, hear, and think things differently. So, THANK YOU Nicole Smart. Live long and strong, Healthy, and Happy
• Dubai, United Arab Emirates